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App for Bixby for Family Hub

評分 4.4 (2,333) · 免費 · iOS App for Bixby for Family Hub tends to simplify your life with more than 500 commands for you to play with, which brings tons of blasts.

Bixby Home for Android

評分 8/10 (60) · 免費 · Android · Bixby Home is Samsung's official virtual assistant designed to enhance the user experience on its Galaxy devices, including smartphones, tablets ...

Bixby Voice for Android

評分 4.2 (82) · 免費 · Android Bixby Voice is the app you need on your Samsung smartphone if you want to use Bixby voice assistant on certain smartphones from this Korean brand.

Bixby Developer Center

Bixby is a next-generation, conversational assistant platform. It offers a new way to help your users get things done in a more efficient, personalized and ... Download Sample Capsules · Guides · Getting Started

Bixby voice commands - guides

評分 3.6 (326) · 免費 · Android · Bixby 語音命令(指南)應用程序為您的三星手機提供完整的Bixby 語音命令列表。 Bixby 是三星語音助手應用程序,首次在Galaxy S8 和S8+ 上推出。

Bixby Mobile App

Bixby 行動應用程式是Bixby Knolls Preparatory Academy, Inc. 的任何人都可以使用的免費應用程式。該應用程式取代了常見查詢的面對面互動,從而節省了時間 ...

Bixby | 應用程式與服務

使用Bixby 即可輕鬆掌控你的手機、Tab、Watch、Buds、Book 等所有Galaxy 裝置。 * 若要透過Bixby 控制Galaxy Watch 或Buds,請從你的智慧手機上連至Galaxy 穿戴式應用 ...

Bixby | Apps & Services

Get the most out of Bixby. Conveniently control all of your Galaxy devices such as Phone, Tab, Watch, Buds, Book and many more, with Bixby. · Pairs well with.

How to use Bixby Home | Apps & Accessories | Galaxy S10 - T

Bixby Home is a voice assistant that works with your favorite apps and services to help you get more done. You can add apps and configure app settings to ...


Bixby是由三星電子開發的虛擬助理軟體。使用者可以使用自然的對話與手機進行互動,完成搜尋資料、查詢天氣等許多服務,部分非旗艦機無法啟動語音助理。2018年8月9 ...


評分4.4(2,333)·免費·iOSAppforBixbyforFamilyHubtendstosimplifyyourlifewithmorethan500commandsforyoutoplaywith,whichbringstonsofblasts.,評分8/10(60)·免費·Android·BixbyHomeisSamsung'sofficialvirtualassistantdesignedtoenhancetheuserexperienceonitsGalaxydevices,includingsmartphones,tablets ...,評分4.2(82)·免費·AndroidBixbyVoiceistheappyouneedonyourSamsungsmartphoneifyouwanttouseBixbyvoiceassistanto...